The Feast of St. Stephen

 Jer 26:1-9, 12-15; Acts 6:8—7:2a, 51c-60; Ps 31:1-7, 16; Mt 23:34-39

"Santa Stephano"  Gunnar Bach Pedersen
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
In you, O Lord, have I taken refuge; let me never be put to shame; deliver me in your righteousness. Incline your ear to me; make haste to deliver me. Be my strong rock, a castle to keep me safe, for you are my crag and my stronghold; for the sake of your name, lead me and guide me.
Psalm 31:1-3
Alberta Mental Health Help Line: 1-877-303-2642 (Toll free)
St. Stephen is celebrated on this day as having been the first Christian martyr. He lived in Jerusalem and operated among a group of deacons newly formed to address the needs of the suffering among the community. We have our own group of lay caregivers at St. Augustine's who are there to listen and walk beside others in their journey towards spiritual wholeness.

After a month of ads, sales, decorating, baking, parties, gift giving and receiving, popular music, movies and television specials, all prefixed with the adjective “Christmas,” for some, December 26 can feel somehow empty, as if the party’s over. For others this will come as a relief as life beings to resume its regular patterns. For many, a sense of loss and loneliness continues. 
It may be difficult sometimes to feel it, but the gift of God's grace to the earth is available to us every day. As Christians we can steward and share this gift by reaching out to those in need of a friend. 
The online Advent calendar at St. Augustine's was conceived in 2020 and managed by Brother Jason Carroll as a way, in part, to strengthen a sense community among our parish during the pandemic. There are ways to continue to feel connected throughout the rest of the year.

Again, if you or someone you know needs urgent help, please contact: 
Alberta Mental Health Help Line: 1-877-303-2642 (Toll free)

There are resources within our parish to foster connection as well:
Pastoral Care 
If you are in need of pastoral care, please contact the church office at 403 327.3970 or to arrange to speak with Rev. Steve Bateman or Rev. Gillian Breckenridge.

The Stephen Ministry is practiced by lay individuals who are there to listen and provide care for those who need a shoulder to lean on during difficult times. To  be paired with a Stephen minister, or to learn more about this ministry, please click here:

The Prayer Quads are groups of parishioners who pray regularly for those requesting prayer. To be added to the prayers list, or for more information about the prayer quads please contact the office at 403 327.3970 or, or click here:

To speak to a clergy member about the Stephen Ministry or Prayer Quads please: phone the church office at 403 327.3970,, or fill out a contact form:  

While the daily reflections are paused until Lent, there are still other ways to stay in touch. There are several weekly services, including the Sunday 10:00 AM service (live-streamed) that is followed by coffee and fellowship.

Thursdays at 9:30 AM BCP Holy Communion in the Chapel
Sundays at 8:00 AM BCP Holy Communion in the Chapel 
Sundays at 10:00 AM Holy Communion in the Church most weeks and occasionally Morning Prayer

Newletter and Emails
The Hippo Herald” is our parish newsletter, published three times per year and named for the ancient city where St. Augustine of Hippo was bishop.

“The Parish Pulse” offers regular updates by email. Please contact the office at 403 327.3970 or if you would like to subscribe to the weekly updates.
Lectio Divina
Our reflections series are a sort of lectio divina⎯-the practice of reading and praying on scripture to deepen one's relationship with God. To learn more about contributing to future reflections series (either for Advent or Lent), or about lectio divina, in general, please also contact the office at 403 327.3970 or and someone from our team will get back to you.

Thank you to all contributors to the St. Augustine’s Anglican Church 2024 online Advent calendar:
Ceri Penner
Greg Young
Michael Larsen
Jo Wills
Tim & Patricia Pope
Charis Legg
David Oluyibi
Catherine Ball
Allison Adams
Shelby Martens
Rachel Robinson
Elizabeth Ostrop
Jane Harris-Zsovan
Rev. Olufemi Ogundimu
George Ostrop
Sylvia Besplug
Rory Ball
Sara Gateman
Mark Penner
Andreas Gateman
Pam Ukrainetz
Jonathan Legg
Rev. Steve Bateman
Carol Young

Special thanks to Brother Jason Carroll for conceiving of the online reflections,
and to Rev. Gillian Breckenridge and Rev. Steve Bateman for their ongoing pastoral support.
“Good King Wenceslas” John Mason Neale, Václav Alois Svoboda, & Thomas Helmore
performed by The Roger Wagner Chorale



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